Transplant Those Little Seedlings Soon

After starting my tender vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplant and peppers from seed inside, they have grown by leaps and bounds. Now is a good time to carefully separate those baby plants and put them into their own 4″ containers. You will also want to lightly fertilize the containers, now and until you actually plant them in the ground, with a light dose of complete organic fertilizer. One COF that is free and works very well is used coffee grounds. You can mix some in water, and then use that water to moisten the soil in each seedling’s container.

Forecast to be nice weather here this weekend, so likely this is what I will be doing. Of course, I started way too many seeds, and am running out of room for lights for the trays–I may have to expand my horticultural operations to a table as well as my baker’s rack!

Planting Snow Peas

Today was a great day to get Snow pea seeds into the ground. Here’s what I did:

First, I had a bed that I weeded and dug up. The bed is roughly four feet wide by about six feet long. Next, I worked in about a quart of complete organic fertilizer, from a recipe I got out of Steve Solomon’s wonderful book Gardening When It Counts, that I made myself out of cottonseed meal, bone meal, dolomite lime and kelp meal–it works very well for fertilizing all vegetables, and I use it on my flowers, roses and clematis as well. So I dug in the fertilizer and raked the surface smooth, breaking up any little clumps with the rake and my hands to get a really smooth surface. Last night, I had put my seeds into a cup and filled it with water. Today, I carefully dumped out the water, and used these seeds for planting. The outer coating of the seed need to be soaked to help them germinate easier and get off to a quicker start. The variety of seed I used was organic Snow Pea ‘Oregon Sugar Pod’. I made short rows across the bed about one inch deep, planted the seeds approximately two inches apart, and covered them with soil. Afterward, I carefully watered with a watering can with a large rose to give a soft, light sprinkling so as not to dislodge my newly planted seeds, and that’s it. We should be eating stir-fried snow peas in about sixty days! It needs to be at least forty degrees at night for the peas to germinate, and in looking at the weather reports I may luck out. If not, I can always put three PVC hoops over the bed and cover it with plastic until the chilly weather passes. I will put some sticks in for the peas to grow up after they germinate, just in case I need to cover them, which is hard to do with sticks in place.

Here Comes the Sun, Baby!

Scheduled to be 70 degrees today–woohoo! Now is a great time to rejuvenate tired borders, which is my plan for today. When you garden in a small urban setting, this means rearranging plants in order to put the new ones in place, so I will be “rearranging” for a day or so. The cold hardy salad greens seeds I started outside under plastic have germinated, so we are well on our way to home-grown Cesear’s in approximately six weeks